How to reduce stress in this difficult time!

What's up flowers?

I haven't been here in our space for a long time to talk and have a nice and informative chat.
You know I'm living in the United States and studying English, by the way, oh my gosh, language more difficult than I thought, but I confess I am really fascinated to learn another language and if I were you would try it too. You will surely be able to do that. Try my friends!

I'm kidding.
Today is being a special and different day because I was challenged by my professor Miss Ana to post about suggestions to relieve some of the stress that we are going through now. But I have to write it in English. Miss Ana, are you kidding me?

So my flowers, take it easy with me and help me okay?
Let's go?

We know that being quarantined at this time is crucial for everyone's health. However, this period does not have to be boring and tedious.
After all, what can we do in the quarantine? 
How to use these days at home productively to maintain health, not only physical but also mental ?!
These are some questions from a large part of the population that is in isolation.

It's a good idea right now to catch up on readings, watch movies, series, and documentaries, make your brain work.

It's important to take care of your body and mind, eat better, discover and try new healthy foods, relax listening to music, research new singers and styles of music.

It's sometimes helpful to occupy the mind by fixing pending things, I love crafts and I’m always inventing renovations.

I know that it is very difficult to occupy the mind with positive things in this very difficult time that the world is going through, but in order not to go crazy, we always need to occupy our mind with things we like to do.

So make that wonderful little list that you really wanted to do and didn't have time and put everything into practice now.

I hope I helped you my flowers.
Write in the comments what are you doing to try to distract yourself?
See you soon!

6 comentários:

  1. In this quarantine I am taking the opportunity to take courses online, clean my clothes that I don't wear, watching many movies and series, making a lot of video calls with family and friends to always keep the people I love close and improving the talent in the kitchen.

  2. Nesta quarentena minha rotina durante a semana está a mesma. Trabalhando home office, treinando e estudando. Só tenho que usar a criatividade na cozinha, pois fora da quarentena todos almoçávamos na rua e não precisava me preocupar com isso kkkkk final de semana é que se eu deixar o tédio bate... então procuro assistir lives, ver filmes, assistir shows e peças teatrais que estão sendo disponibilizadas na internet, brincar com as crianças com quebra- cabeça, jogos de cartas e tabuleiro e matar saudades dos amigos através de videos chamadas.

  3. Tem sido muito difícil essa quarentena, pois tudo mudou, não somos livres como antes, mas temos consciência de o por que temos de ficar reclusos, ou é assim ou adoecemos. Bem, estou numa cidade muito pequena e calma, não havia muito o que se fazer antes da pandemia, agora então ficou tudo muito entediante. Eu e meu filho por motivo de saúde (não é o covid-19), estamos na casa de parentes e isso torna tudo mais difícil, pois não temos a liberdade da nossa casa. Então nessa pandemia estamos limitados a televisão, fazer tarefas da escola com meu filho e ficar na internet, e comer quase sempre e inevitável. Sendo assim todos estão muito estressados e rezando para que tudo passe logo e fiquemos bem.


Não vá embora sem deixar seu comentário aqui flor.

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